Five times world champion
Fernando Alonso's helmet at the Fangio Museum
Thursday, October 26, was a special day, because in the run-up to the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Mexico City we exchanged helmets with Fernando Alonso, a great idol of world motorsports. His helmet is already on display in our Museum in Balcarce.
An action that we have been planning for a few months thanks to the management of our Honorary Advisor Peter Nygaard @peternygaardf1, the constant collaboration of Rodrigo Sánchez @rsanchezp30 and the total willingness and help of Alberto Fernández, representative of Fernando Alonso, and of course Spanish driver, double @F1 World Champion."It is a true honor for me to have a replica of the helmet that Juan Manuel used and share so many values: effort, dedication and love for the sport we practice, for cars and motorsports. Best of luck to the Fangio Foundation to continue sending the fair message to the following generations," expressed #Alonso.Thank you Fernando for your kindness and simplicity. Let's continue together bringing exemplary messages like yours and Juan Manuel Fangio's to our dear youth.@circuitomuseofa#fundacionfangio #museofangio #juanmanuelfangio #fernandoalonso #museofernandoalonso #mexicogp
More News
- 37th Anniversary Fangio Museum
- The FANGIO Foundation in Mexico: Rally Maya and Monterrey Car Museum
- Helmet exchange with Mario Andretti
- Absolute winner award of the 36th Edition of the Pan-American Race in Mexico
- Auto Classic 2023, a success
- El Camino de Fangio in Italy concluded with a visit to Castiglione Messer Marino
- The Fangio Museum at Imola, another stage of El Camino de Fangio
- A new chapter in the story of Fangio and Pagani
- An unforgettable day in Maranello
- Official visit to the Alfa Romeo Museum in Arese, Italy
- Reception in Galliate from the commune and the Achille Varzi Museum
- Visit to the Pirelli Foundation in Milan
- The Argentine Consulate in Milan received the delegation of El Camino de Fangio
- Juan Manuel Fangio inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame
- The Fangio Museum in Monza at the launch of the 777 hypercar
- We attended the fifth edition of the Motor Valley Fest in Modena
- Peter Nygaard appointed Honorary Advisor to the Fangio Foundation
- The winner of the Mexican GP pole position receive a helmet from Juan Manuel Fangio
- Tribute to Reutemann
- A great work of art
- #MisionInolvidable
- Tasting Los Toneles
- #PaseodelBajo
- 41th Anniversary CADEA
- Day of the Museums / Day of the Cockade
- 300 Sport Miles
- The "3" complete
- #EscalaRS
- A sculpture of the Daimler 1886 donated to the Museum
- Favaloro's car at the Fangio Museum
- Iconic weddings at the Museum
- 70th Anniversary First Victory
museum schedules
10 A 17 HS
Business days
10 A 18 HS
Weekends and holidays
10 A 18 HS
January and February
museo juan manuel fangio
Dardo Rocha (18) esq. Mitre (17)
Tel/fax +54-2266-425540 - CP 7620
Balcarce - Buenos Aires - Argentina
tickets price
$ 16000
- $ 12500
- $ 9500
- $ 6500
Special Agreements
- $ 0
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